How to Find the Sold Price on any Etsy Listing

Posted by Michael Cannata on

How to price the sold price on any Etsy listing

Have you ever wondered what a product sold for on Etsy? You might be a seller yourself, doing research for your business or you may be a buyer trying to figure out a good price to pay. Well, I am here to provide you the answer.

Steps to finding out the sold price to any etsy listing:

  • Find a sold listing

For this example we will be using a sold listing of mine. If you want to follow along yourself, click on this link.


  1. Click on the white space next to the listing how to find sold prices on etsy listings
  2. The sold listing now appears! finding etsy sold listings
  3. Right click on the space next to the description so this option box appearscan you see what price a etsy product sold for
  4. Click “Inspect”
  5. When this “Inspect element” box appears press “Ctrl” + “F” to find a specific string of codeetsy sold listing prices
  6. Type “price into the find box (yes, only the opening “). You should see what Is shown below, a yellow highlighted section of codelocate the price etsy items sold for
  7. Last step is to scroll down and you will see the price this listing sold for!

 finding etsy sold prices using inspect elements

I hope this helps follow sellers and buyers find what prices they should be selling their products for. Let me know if you have any questions! Do you have any other free ways to find sold listing prices? Let me know below in the comments.


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  • Is this outdated now? I tried this and it didn’t on any that I tried…

    Danielle StPierre on

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